When Live Gives You Lemons. Go to the Gym.

      STRESS & BOREDOM: Two Important Things to Manage in the Fitness World

    This week has been a roller coaster. Monday was Legs day as normal. I was forced to get a compression support brace for my knee due to an accident i had back in April. Even with the brace my right leg still has a minor tweak that makes it hard to lift weights with proper form. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Tuesday was shoulders. The workout was super fulfilling and my chest was jacked... I had intended on going to the gym Wednesday morning with my wife to do a little cardio and maybe a light chest workout... But fate would have other plans

    My day starts every morning at around 5:45am getting up to make sure my kids are getting dressed and ready for the day. At around 6am my wife asked if I would take my 3 youngest to their school, (which is across town.) Around 6:30am, I left the house with my kids and that was when my day began to crumble. Having my three small children in the back seat, I was involved in a fender bender. To spare the details EVERYONE was safe and free of injury.

    My trip to the gym was Dead in the Water. The thought of the gym was at the bottom of my priorities at this point. My only goal was to make sure the vehicle I was in was still functional and to do everything I could to make it road ready and safe. I spent the better part of the day being an emotional wreck and tried everything possible to fix what was damaged on the car. Around 5:30pm my gym partner messaged me and said, "get yourself together and let's go to the gym I'll be over in a minute to pick you up." I wasn't ready to go to the gym at all... I was too high strung, too emotional.

    Like clockwork my gym partner showed up, gave me a pep talk, and got me in the gym. My mind had created blocks to prevent me from focusing on lifting, but my body pushed through and had one of the best back workouts I have had yet. I was channeling my anger/sadness/humility into these pumps and felt it after we were done. I had gotten past whatever emotion was holding me down and was ready to take on whatever I had to deal with.

    Thursday, we went to the gym knocked out a solid arms workout and finished the week with Chest. My mental state leveled out with the gym, and I am finding it to be a safe place. Were 17 days into this journey and everything were doing is starting to produce fruit. I've lost some weight, I have gained some muscle mass, and I have COMPLETELY changed my diet.

    At the end of the day the important thing is to keep doing what you're doing and to know that whether you want it to or not, LIFE will continue. The Sun will rise, and the Sun will set. Summer comes and Summer goes. We have to accept that there are things we can control and things we can't. Take advantage of the good things you have around you and enjoy them so when you have a down day, you can bring your mind back to the good days that surround it.

    Thank you for taking the time to read through this Blog. I hope the content will inspire and motivate you to start a journey of your own.

If you would like to keep up with my eating habits, Add me as a friend on MyFitnessPal. Link is below.

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