Health and Fitness... A Family Affair

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening wherever you may be I hope this Update finds you well. Since my last update, Hurricane Ian, though it passed, is still reeking havoc in my community. I wasn't affected personally with my family nor my property... My children have been out of school for the entire month of October. My Gym was closed but decided this week to reopen with a limited schedule. With the gym closed and the schools being out, my restless children decided they wanted to workout with dad. My Gym partner invested in a set of dumbbells about a year ago so we were still able to get some work done to these hungry muscles. This allowed for a perfect opportunity to involve the kiddos in our workouts. (For the sake of privacy they will be referred to from Oldest to Youngest as 1,2,3,4,5) at first #3 was the only one actively interested in weight training. She came with me the first night and paid close attention to how we did our workouts. She listened ...